Garden Design by Paul Slater
Garden Design by Paul Slater  

Top tips for your garden:

The start of summer is not far away. 


Summer time and the living is easy…………..


Summer is when most of us want to relax and enjoy our gardens, and nature is kind enough to let us do it.  Now is when most gardens are at their peak so should need little interference from us.


Keep removing spent flower heads from spring flowers – let the foliage die back naturally - it will help with store of energy for next years displays.


Keep the weeds down by regular use of a hoe between larger plants – try to avoid chemical weed killers. A regular removal or dislodging with a hoe only takes seconds and even the toughest weeds eventually give up!


Keep new planting area and thirsty plants well watered – our ‘Guide to Watering’ has some helpful tips on getting it right, thus saving you time, effort and money.


Spring flowering shrubs can be pruned and trimmed now (after the flowers have died back) – as can conifers and topiaries.


Continue to remove dead flower heads as required.


Keep ponds, water features and bird baths toped up with water – the heat and dry winds can evaporate water very quickly.


Lavender can be trimmed in late summer once it has finished flowering.  Cut back to a tight formal shape, but don’t cut into the older ‘woody’ parts as it will struggle to recover.


Lawns should be cut regularly – but unless you are maintaining an ornamental lawn or bowling green don’t cut it too short. Slightly longer grass can cope with dry spells better and is also more resilient to wear and tear inflicted by family life. Our ‘Guide to Lawn Care’ has more helpful hints and tips on maintaining a healthy lawn. 


Most important of all – enjoy the sun whenever it comes out!!



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